100 Days of Farming

As 2021 arrived, I want to take a deep breath in and plunge straight into the New Year with positivity. This is a major year for Brimwood Farm too; the first one where the business really takes a step forward and begins. With that in mind, and wanting to showcase our development from the very beginning, 100 Days of Farming was born.

Over the course of the next six months or so, I’ll be publishing a video on YouTube every Monday through to Thurs. I’ve specifically kept Fridays (harvest day), Saturdays (Farmers Market days) and Sundays (rest days) free so as not to overwhelm myself. However, I DO want to show some of the harvesting and farmers markets so there will be the odd video filmed on these days though they might not air until the following week.

We’re already in February! You can see the full playlist here: 100 Days of Farming


I’m excited myself to see the farm grow. From lambs and kitts, to a multitude of hatching, there will be plenty of new life on the farm. In addition, it’s the first year for the market garden and flower farm so not only will I share this entire new endeavour as it grows, but also the business aspects of selling and finding a customer basis.

It should be a few exciting months to come!


Surviving the Snow


The Market Garden Begins