A Snowy Owl for christmas
The pigs are moving to pasture and there’s a new owl in town, with sponsorship available!
Tupping Troubles - Getting Native Sheep Pregnant
The native Norfolk Horns are proving difficult this tupping season
It’s time for the war on red mite to begin. This new chicken coop from Nestera may help
has spring sprung?
On this UK farm lambing is finished, breeding pigs has begun again but the worst start to spring
too much mud for pigs
On this Suffolk Farm there has been too much mud for the pigs this winter.
Autumn - Not Death and Decay but New Life and Excitment!
Autumn is not the time of death and decay, but time for excitement, planning and new life.
January Survey Results
The January results of our Wildlife Transect Survey are now available for non-Patreons.
Post Whacking and Starting 2023
It’s late autumn and there’s a multitude of fun infrastructure projects to complete. Flipping the market farm takes a priority, but there’s a sense of achievement getting on with physical jobs.
Hormones Run HIGH On the Farm
As the leaves begin to turn and dew appears on the morning grass, the Norfolk Horn rams sure know that autumn has arrived.
This Mother Hen FINALLY Did It
It’s been a hard year for poultry moms on the farm but finally this little belgium bantam has managed to hatch out a lovely clutch of chicks.
British Drought Takes Toll on The Farm
The latest drought in Britain has taken a huge toll on our farm. Making this year on our farm business extremely challenging.
Fighting The Drought
It’s 2022 and we’re experiencing a huge drought! Farming is difficult enough, but here’s how we’re trying to remain resilient this season.
Geoffstival FINALLY Arrived
It was finally time for Geoffstival - a party with friends to celebrate the farm move. However, the party offered some important farming lessons!
May Madness is HERE
It’s May and the weeds are going WILD. But it’s a fabulous time in the flower farm too and once everything is weeded, it’s becoming a productive little patch.
A Busy Start to the Season
It’s been a busy start to the season with lambing, hatching and lots of growing. Here’s a catch up and plans for the next weeks.
The Lambing Seasons Is HERE!
Lambing has finally begun here at Brimwood Farm. We have beautiful new spotty babies, along with the wonderful signs of seasonal change.
Highs and Heartbreak on the Farm
Farming is always full of highs and heartbreak. This week it has been much of the latter with lost lambs and livestock but there is hope on the way.
Spring Creeps In
Winter has felt like an eternity, not due to the cold but because of the wind. The past week has shown that spring is on the way and new life is around the corner.